418-424 Alfreton Road, Nottingham,
Appointment available from10:00am on Saturday's by appointment only
Mon - Fri : 9am - 5pm Sat : 11am - 4pm Sun : Closed

Cleaning &
Cleaning your bathroom, let's face it, it's not an easy task, it takes a lot of time and energy to make sure everything still looks and works like new and the type of cleaner coupled with the method has a great deal to do with that. That's why we have created this page as a little bit of extra advice to ease you through the process of your new bathroom cleaning routine.
First things first, let us look at what you shouldn't use. We strongly advise against using any product that contains bleach or aggressive chemical products. Bleach products are corrosive alkaline and therefore will strip the finish. Leaving you will with patchy marks on the product like the tap in the image below.
Now I hear you cry "But Phillips bathrooms, what do I use to clean my bathroom now? Almost every product contains some form of bleach in it, I'm lost and scared in a world I do not know! help me!" Worry not! For there is a product that has the perfect PH level, natural and cheap to buy.
And it's Vinegar.
Yes vinegar, it's a 100% natural antibacterial, prevents limescale, and is safe to use around younger family members. whilst also tasting blooming good on your chips.
We recommend a weak solution:
1 part vinegar
5 parts warm water
a squeeze of washing up liquid
Let’s move on to the method in the madness, you should not use any hard sponge or cloth as these products are abrasive and will abrade the finish. (a bit of a given) use a soft cloth or paper/tea towel.
The way you clean the product. Only use a small amount of force, use small circular motions, in the immortal words of Mr. Miyagi "Wax on, Wax off".
That will clean the section in moments.
This method and solution will work on all products including:
any glass
Lime Scale prevention is incredibly important for your health and the functionality and durability of your product. Now I hear you say “But what is Limescale? And why is it invading my house? Should I call the police or scare it off with a bat?" well you could try but I don’t think your success rate would be too high and you may get a fine or two. Let’s look at what limescale is first.
Wiki says "Limescale is the hard, off-white, chalky deposit found in kettles, hot-water boilers and the inside of inadequately maintained hot-water central heating systems."
What it doesn’t mention is that it can appear on your taps, and showers leaving a residue on all your lovely bathroom products
The best way to fight against limescale on your products is with the same solution and method we mentioned earlier, with the vinegar and water solution. If the offending mark is quite tough leave the solution to soak for 5 minutes and it will wipe away with ease.
(Please do not leave the solution any longer than 5 minutes as it may corrode the product after prolonged exposure)
All our advice is subject to user discretion, Phillips Bathrooms takes no responsibility for any damages from previous suggestions.
If you're still feeling lost, without hope, and full of despair. Then feel free to email us.
If you have any concerns, please don't hesitate to contact us directly.